
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

me lately.

so - i have a fabulous friend here in the bloggie world. she is doing a link up, so i thought i would join in! and these little 'if you really knew me...' things are fun and easy way to get to know each other more!

if you really knew me.. you would know...

- my plate is too full and i need to adjust some things around and re-examine what i'm doing with my time.
+ i am addicted to looking at vacant land and dreaming of building our future home someday.
+ i am trusting in the Lord to do big things with our lives here on earth.
- but i struggle with trusting his timing and plan for everything to come about.
+ i have a project i'm working on every night right now until it's completed. i am always dedicated to my crafts when i enjoy them!!
+ i love love love snail mail. that means others love it too - so i want to send some love to some wonderful people in my life soon.
+ i don't like to start something and then not finish it. it bugs me majorly to have something sitting there waiting to be completed. and then i get stressed.
- i have been a complete failure at waking up early enough to get everything i need done before i head out the door to work.
- i try to please people more than myself. i do this too often. it usually ends up making upset that i can't please everyone. i need to work on not being a people pleaser.
+ i am falling more deeply, madly and passionately in love with mr. b every day. every day i get with him is a blessing.
- i long to have a Godly woman in my life to pour into me. praying for this prayer to be answered soon.
If You Really Knew Me Tuesday


  1. I also can't stand to start something and then not finish it right away. For this reason I frequently wrote 10-15 page papers in a single sittings while I was in college. :P But I sometimes need breaks in a project, too. For example, I'm painting a window this afternoon, but I'm taking a break to read your blog. :)

  2. Awh.. I totally know what you mean about longing to have a Godly woman in your life. I think it is so important to be poured into and to pour into others. Prayers it will happen soon for you as well.
    Remember to breathe and enjoy life, Jennifer. (:
    We can get so busy and caught up in all the life around us.. but take a moment to breathe it in. It goes by fast. (:


thanks so much for reading! i love all your comments and emails - they brighten my day! :) i do read each one and respond too!
- if you are a nonreply commenter, please please please leave your email address! i would LOVE to connect wtih you too! -


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