
Monday, March 31, 2014

gender reveal!

On Friday we had our first ultrasound and the babe is growing wonderfully and there were no concerns. Having to wait 4 weeks between appointments has been hard for me! I found out my placenta is in front of the baby so that is why I'm not feeling as much movement. What a relief to hear that because I was worried when I wasn't feeling kicks and jabs as much as I "should be" by this point.

After our ultrasound the tech wrote down the gender on a piece of paper and slipped it into an envelope (We turned our heads during the ultrasound when she was in the lower region). We brought the envelope to a party store and told them what to do. We popped next door to Target for a half hour and then returned to pick up the goods.

I didn't sleep a wink on Friday night! I stayed up late prepping for the reveal party and laid awake thinking and dreaming of the gender and all the fun things that were about to happen hours later. We woke up, finished decorating the house and waited for our families to arrive. While they were arriving, I was calm and enjoying my time with them. We took our guesses, prayed, ate and continued talking.

team ties VS team tutus

A little while later we were getting ready to have dessert before the reveal and someone suggested doing the reveal first and having dessert after to celebrate. I thought that was a fabulous idea so we gathered together. I grabbed the supplies and explained what to do.

I'll let the photos tell the rest of the story!

We are over joyed to announce a sweet daughter will be joining our family come August! We are so grateful and super thrilled to meet her!!

most photos c/o my girl Marissa

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!!!!!!! I am soooooooo excited for you!!! And I love the way you revealed and all your party decorations!!! So cute. Wow! A daughter


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