
Thursday, August 16, 2012

influence conference.

it's true! i am officially going to the conference! you can see part of my decision process [here]. wow. lots of hots then colds, yes then nos, ins then outs, ups then downs...
i'll leave the rest to katy perry..

i have been praying for the Lord to show me whether or not i should attend.
i wanted to really bad but didn't know if it was a smart financial choice for us right now.

here's how it went..
i mentioned the conference to mr. b. i told him it was a blog conference. i shared about all the awesome bloggie friends i would meet. then i told him it was Christ-centered. from there we prayed. we prayed that the Lord would reveal if i should attend. [the price was still early bird pricing at this point]. it wasn't black and white.. i felt it would be beneficial and a great opportunity.
but then my insecurities stepped in... would anyone like me? would i fit it? would anyone talk to me? how would i find my roommates? would we have anything in common..? i don't have kids... nor am i pregnant. i don't own a store.. or sell anything else for that matter. i even emailed all my worries and insecurities to one of the community leaders and she encouraged me to attend and not to worry. she even gave me some names of women attending who are not mommas or business ladies either.
after this i still was wishy washy about going. isn't it horrible how people can encourage us and we STILL believe lies? my poor husband...
one day i went and looked and the price had gone up. no more early bird. i thought hmm it's $30 more now.. [which would really tug on our financial strings - but still thought it would be worth it]
i said i would make my decision by august 1st [when the price would then increase another $50].
that didn't happen either.
so then i thought we can't afford that.. it's just not fesible right now. i can't go. [although deep down i really still wanted to]
well.. then yesterday i was catching up on some fabulous blogs and i saw a post with influence in there. i clicked on it to see what she had to say - and to my surprise it was the news that she was no longer able to go and selling her ticket. for the early bird price she was proactive about and purchased it at!
i thought alright Lord... i'm going to email her. and you will answer.
she emailed me back. someone else beat me to the punch - but wasn't sure if it would work out.
i prayed for the Lord's will to be done.
if it's available - i'm going.
if it's taken - i'm not.
she emailed me back a couple hours later.
the ticket is mine :)
and what a blessing it will be!

i love the desires and intensions behind what this conference is. if you wanna know more check it out [here]
if you are going, let me know! i would LOVE to meet you!!

there is going to be an awesome kick off party
filled with lots and lots of

so now.. i get to decide what outfit i want to wear to the party :)
i was looking online last night and saw these choices




i will let tell you, i didn't end up selecting any of the above - you'll have to attend to see what stripes i'm wearing ;)
or wait for photos after cause we all know i'm going to do a recap that will probably last the whole month.

but more than just what outfit i'm going to choose for the stripes party and all the fun we're going to have... i'm even more excited about the gospel being spread.
this is something i am SO
excited to meet other bloggers/social networkers/friends with the same heart and passion for Jesus!

i am thrilled to see how God is going to move in each one of us and how we will come back changed and more like Christ from this conference.
can't wait for october! i already started packing



  1. Excited to see that you're going! I'll get to meet you there!

  2. awh!!!!!!!!! That sounds like so so much fun!!! I totally wish I could go!!!!! (: I would love that! I am so jealous so make sure that you takes lots of notes and lots of pics!

  3. YAY!!! I am so excited that you are going! I will be there too! Can't wait to officially "meet." We are going to have the best time!

  4. So exciting that you're going! I'm sure you will have a fantastic time -- can't wait to hear about it!

  5. Hello :) I can totally relate to all your questions--in fact, I still have many of them! Will I fit in? What will I wear? Will I feel left out because I'm not a momma or momma-to-be yet? I think that all of those questions are good to ask--yet, I had to come to the moment where I had to just step out and do it. Anyway, I so look forward to meeting you!
    ps. I'm one of your new roomies if you were curious about who this random girl commenting is!!!

  6. so happy Jesus made a way! can't wait to see photos!

  7. Can't wait to meet you in october and see what you are wearing to the stripes party! i am still browsing, but seriously need to get my act together and buy something!

    loved reading this post...sounds a lot like how the trip came together for me!

    happy friday. hope you have a wonderful weekend!


thanks so much for reading! i love all your comments and emails - they brighten my day! :) i do read each one and respond too!
- if you are a nonreply commenter, please please please leave your email address! i would LOVE to connect wtih you too! -


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