
Thursday, May 30, 2013

summers fun.

friends, summer is just around the corner! and some days the weather is so nice it feels like summers already here.
last summer seemed to go by so fast and i didn't take full advantage of my weekends and holidays.
this year i'm telling myself that things will be different. we're planning ahead. scheduling out and filling our books.
so to kick off the planning ahead i made a summer bucket list!
these are the things i want to make sure we do this summer! i shared them with brandon and he's totally on board -- he's already asked me what kinds of wood work projects i have in mind. i am thankful for his desire and heart to dive in feet first when i come up with some crazy ideas!
it's going to be a good summer!
what's on your summer bucket list?



  1. I am in the process of writing my own Summer bucket list!! Bring it on, Summertime!! :)

  2. Oh I love it so much friend!!! I need to come up with some! We went to the beach already so CHECK that on my list.
    I am thinking fishing and picnic will have to be on the list for sure! I would say camping but haha that won't happen at 8 months pregnant! Lol.

  3. What a great summer bucket list! Sounds like it's gonna be a good one for you!

  4. What a good idea! My husband and I were just talking about how summer will be gone before we know it... this would be a good way to make sure that we actually do things!

  5. Play more tennis! Every summer, my husband I say that we are going to play more tennis, and we just never seem to get around to it. This summer that will change. :)


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