
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

the world race

happy wednesday to y'all!

i have a sweet treat in store for you ladies! ashley is such a wonderful friend of mine. she has so many gifts god has blessed her with - one of the greatest encouragers i have ever met. her passion for jesus is contagious and it over flows into the lives she touches. i am so blessed to serve along side her and the lord has some amazing things in store for her over this next year through the world race! i am so excited for her to share a little bit with you!

here she is friends... ashley!


I am so honoured that Jennifer extended the invitation to share with you guys here. Isn't she amazing!? 

My name is Ashley and I am currently writing over at my World Race blog which can be found here. In about a month, I am going to be embarking on a journey to eleven nations spanning through Africa, Asia and Europe and for eleven months, I am going to set out to love Jesus, work with the poor, and bring heaven to earth. 

Jesus is amazing. When He walks into a room, things change. When He speaks, hearts come alive. When He comes, healing and wholeness and hope break out like a firework in the dark night sky. Scripture says that we can live how He lived, and we will get to do even greater works than Him. Doesn't that kind of just blow your mind!?

I know it absolutely boggles mine. 

It boggles my mind because He was Jesus and well, we 

Yet our amazing Dad in heaven, because of Jesus, calls us sons and daughters. Jesus was a son. He lived like a son. He lived in unison with His Dad. And that same access and posture and love is available to us. 

 --- Excuse me while I freak out a little. ---

So as I leave on this journey - and even as I prepare - that's my heart: to live like a Daughter. To see greater works than even Jesus saw. To press in for the more that is available. To believe that everything Jesus walked in is available to me too because I am His. 

And that even amidst the brokenness and darkness that I am likely to collide with, heaven sings a song. 

The song of what one Man did on a Cross that absolutely changed everything. 

And so I want to invite you to come on this journey with me; to follow along with my blog and hear the stories, to pray with me and watch as we just get to lean in and see how the Kingdom of God is exploding in the nations. 

I promise it will be exciting, at times hard and at times breathtaking, but it will completely be worth it. 

To follow my journey and subscribe to my blog, click here. To set up for prayer updates or donate, you can click through to the links on my website and if you just wanna hang out and chat with me on Twitter, hit me up at @ashleybeaudin. I also am selling an ebook called "Loved: A 21 Day Journey into how much God adores you" and it can be bought here. I am so looking forward to the journey and I hope you'll join me!

[ashley's e-book]

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