
Tuesday, May 21, 2013


it has so many concepts.
it can mean to step aside when someone is coming.
it can be the lord calling you to reach out to your neighbors.
it can mean to hit publish on a post you're terrified to make public.
it can be the lord calling you to serve in a new job position or ministry.
it can mean to literally, physically pick everything up and go to another place.
it can be the lord calling you to speak life into a child he longs to see know him personally.

there have been times that i have felt frozen.
not wanting to move when i feel the spirit tug on my heart.
scared because i'm content in my comfort.
but lately i've been praying for the lord to use me. to use our family.
and since then i've heard him speak.
he's been calling me to move.
to reach out to those that i have neglected and love them better.
to invest in new relationships that take me out of my comfort zone.

it's definitely not easy. but i prayed for it - and the lord has answered.

so today.. i want to be obedient when the lord calls me to move.



  1. I'm right there with ya! Together is this call to be obedient to the Lord!

    Bless you for sharing Jen!


  2. Love this Jennifer! It's so much easier to pray for the Lord to use us and change us than to actually follow through when he answers our prayers. We are so often content in our comfort, for sure. But God doesn't call us to be comfortable. I have to remind myself of this all the time! Thanks for your beautiful writing! :)

  3. beautiful poem -- always spring toward anything that inspires your heart <3


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