
Thursday, March 21, 2013

wanna shadow me?

most of my days look a little crazy.
especially lately with my best friend's husband.

but if i were to bring you along on a typical day. this is how it would go down.

6:36am.. alarm goes off. and you would suspect, me being the morning person i am, to jump right outta bed right? wrong. i hit that snooze until the absolute last minute.

7:00am-ish.. finally rolling out of bed. make coffee and a smoothie and get myself ready for the day. depending on our schedules brandon will typically wake up before me and already have coffee made - or he will still be tucked underneath those warm covers where i sometimes end back up for some morning snuggles. [see - i told you.. until the absolute last minute!]

7:20am.. i am headed out the door for work. typically double fisting it like this.
8:00am-4:30pm.. workin' for them wages. a typical day in the office for me starts like this on the left.. and ends up like the right.

every night i have to have my desk spotless before i leave. i think this is the OCD in me.
in the morning it's refreshing to come in to a clean office. i usually sit on my exercise ball every day. many clients comment on how weird it is that i'm sitting on a ball. [just so y'all know - it doesn't do anything for my core.. am i doing something wrong?].
but lately i'm always cold. somehow i got the only office with no vents to bring me heat - so i sit in my chair and snuggle up with my blanket like this. we got another 4 inches of snow. spring.. where are you???

12:30pm-ish.. i take my lunch break. i usually eat my lunch; which is usually leftovers from dinner the night before, and spend some time in prayer and the word during my lunch break if i didn't get a chance in the morning before heading in. which is typical because i hit the snooze too many times.
i get a half hour for lunch. it always goes by way too quick. if there is ever a day that i have extra time i will usually edit blog posts or respond to emails. but before i know it my lunch is over and it's back to work i go.

2:19pm.. my alarm goes off.
it's time to take a break from work, join together with my co-workers and #prayfordave. we pray every day at 2:19 because that is the day of his accident. if y'all are not sure what i'm talking about - read this and then come back and finish out my day with me.

3:30pm.. it's prank time. now this doesn't happen often.. then it would be expected - but every so often i like to get a little silly with my co-workers [or by myself] and prank our boss. he will usually leave in the afternoon to go get photos or run to the bank - so i know it's the optimal time to get him best!
this was one of my more recent pranks above. i would say it was a pretty good prank. until i walked into our office this past saturday and had an entire garbage bag full of paper shreddings dump all over. that was a bummer.

4:30pm.. i wrap things up at work and start making the commute back home. depending on traffic and weather it can take me anywhere from 40 minutes to an hour and a half to get home. this is one of my least favorite parts of the day.

5:15-5:30pm-ish.. i get home and give my husband a big ol' smooch. i miss him so much during the day and he is the first thing i like to see when i walk through the door. we debrief about our days a little bit and then start making out way to the kitchen to prepare a meal together.

6:00pm.. we enjoy cooking together. some nights i cook by myself and others he cooks. but we do enjoy spending this time together talking and bonding over food. and usually we make fabulous meals like this..
ha.. just kidding. that was a delicious dinner i had at an influence conference bloggy meet-up with some awesome ladies on this side of the state.
but really.. we do like to try new recipes at least once a week. some nights it has to be a little quicker than others if we are busy in the evening. which is also most evenings these days. but here is one of brandon's favorite dinners.
he loves these grilled chicken pesto caprice sandwiches! and i don't blame him ;) they are pretty delish!
we finish cooking and then enjoy our meal together and clean up until 7:00 when wheel of fortune [also known as wof: pronounced woof] comes on except thursday's. on thursday evenings i have the joy of spending my evening with some wonderful college students.

7:00pm.. watch wof and then brandon typically talks me into keeping the tv on so he can watch jeopardy. man.. you would think we were old retired people from this - but i promise, we do have lots of fun!

from this point forward.. things look different almost every day.
right now..
monday evenings is my planning night. brandon has his men's college group. i do planning of all sorts. meal planning. blog post planning. emails. it's a great few hours to myself to gather all my thoughts and ideas and prepare for the week ahead. and then on thursday i review what i accomplished/what i still need to do and rearrange where necessary.
tuesday evenings we spend with my dad and grandma. we bring food to her house and watch wof with her ;)
wednesday evenings i am out of town at the hospital until about 10:30-11:00pm with rissa and then stay the night with her.
thursday evenings i spend at home with my college ladies when they're in town or i head back to the hospital with rissa again.
friday evenings are all over the place, depends on if we're out of town or home - but we typically do something adventurous together.

9:00pm.. relax and spend time quality time with brandon when we're both in town. sometimes we watch a movie/tv show, read, craft/projects, spend time outdoors or just talk. i adore these moments with my husband.
10:00pm.. we start to settle and get ready for bed.

10:00-10:30pm.. we continue talking and process our day until we fall asleep.

and then our day starts all over again in the morning!

so this is a day in the life of me! i am learning to be joyful in this season of life - with this schedule. but i also am looking forward and dreaming of what the next season of life will bring within god's timing!

link up with us and i look forward to taking a step into your life for a day!


  1. Girl! I give you so much credit after reading this! And I will be praying that God brings you the rest that you need during this season as well.

    It's ironic because I feel like I am in the exact opposite season where things are very slow and I am searching for where I need to be and a purpose for my day.

    Regardless, in both types of seasons we can trust that our God has a purpose for us and we can find all of it in Him. :)

  2. Your day reminds me of my "before baby" days! Love it! Every season can be hard to find joy in, so it's great to hear you are enjoying it! Sounds like you have a lot of fun and quality time with hubby and friends. :) Also, I'm impressed by the Wof dedication. So YOU GUYS are the ones that still keep that show on the air, huh?! ;)

  3. My husband and I love watching WOF and Jeopardy together...we always keep score. Loved getting a chance to take a peek into your life!

  4. Ummmm, wow. You get a lot done in a day. Even with all the snooze button tapping and all. I'm really impressed. That food picture was funny. I was all like, Dammmmmmmmn, girl can cook! Then I got to the next line. Nice one.

  5. Seasons of life change so drastically. I remember when I was driving a long commute and goofing off with co-workers, too. Enjoy it as much as you can, and especially soak up those evenings with your husband. You're wonderful in this season of life, and you'll be great in the next one, too! Love you!

  6. Loved learning about you today friend!! I also love love love that you pull pranks at work, it's the only way to get through the day I say! Also, I am voting for you on oh sweet joy for the collette style contest!!

  7. Just found you by browsing through the Influence Network forum!!! So cool to "meet you" - looking forward to meeting you in person at the conference!!!! XO


thanks so much for reading! i love all your comments and emails - they brighten my day! :) i do read each one and respond too!
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