
Thursday, March 7, 2013

season of uncertainty.

i wrote this for a guest post a few months ago and it came to mind as a perfect post to share with y'all and it's something i'm still learning.

this post came about after a sunday morning worship service at church.. the Lord spoke to me and put something really heavy on my heart. at the end of the service our pastor mentioned this verse that got me thinking; and i've been thinking and praying about it since.
right now in life, i am in a season of waiting and uncertainty. a season of struggle
these seasons aren't easy, are they?
and if i were to be honest with you all.. it's a been a tough struggle for me.
..i don't really care for my job.. it is a blessing, it's just not my passion.
..we are currently living in a house [a very small house at that] we're renting from my dad..not having our own home is hard for this interior design gal husband is still in school and we have no idea what will be next once he finishes..

but in all of these uncertainties and waiting... this verse is so rewarding.

psalm 127:1 'unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.'

he encouraged us to look at this verse specifically to our own lives by opening it up..
'unless the Lord builds _________, those who build it labor in vain.'

i'm not sure if this makes you start to analyze things in your life, but i sure do. i am a dreamer. and when i mean dreamer.. i mean a really big dreamer!
this simple verse caught my attention and reminded me that everything of i have been entrusted with here on earth belongs to the Lord. all of my belongings, plans, hopes and dreams, are ultimately his.

i personally fill in the blank above with these things and ask myself..
- our marriage. does my marriage look and being shaped the way he wants?
- my blog. am i blogging for me or for him?
- our future. are there things in my life that i'm trying to control?
- my career. am i pushing so hard for something even when i sense God saying no?
- my dreams. do the things i want, line up with what he states in scripture?
- our ministry. am i so focused on what i want that i'm overlooking opportunities he's providing?
- our finances. am i depending on the Lord to provide and grow us?

after asking myself these questions i realize that i have areas in my life that i have not fully surrendered to the Lord. there are things i haven't even gone to him about to see if the things i dream about and desire line up with what he wants for me, mr. b and our family.
but what really encourages me about this is that if the Lord builds it.. it's not labored in vain.
here is the definition of vain: without real significance, value or importance; baseless or worthless.
this is why it's so encouraging! i wouldn't want something like that anyways.. would you?

we want all things in our lives to have meaning, significance, value and worth!
the Lord sees us with such great value and worth! and how amazing is it that he wants every aspect of our lives to have the same!
when we depend on God to build our marriages, families, careers, dreams... etc. he can and will build it so much greater than we could have ever imagined!

so even in my uncertainties and waiting, God used this verse to speak to me. he opened my eyes to where he is working and preparing us for our future and allowed me to see that he is at work and everything will happen in his timing.
so instead of trying to build my own marriage, life, and future - i will continue to surrender it to the One who will make it more beautiful than i could ever have hoped or imagined. i encourage us all to surrender together!

are there things in your life that you're trying to build yourself?

linking up here


  1. I love this friend. Such a good word.

  2. I am learning how to do this with every aspect of my life, it is definitely HARD sometimes! But I'm so thankful for the truth that God's plan is OUR BEST. If we trust Him, we can take comfort in His promises for our future.

    Thanks for this lovely post :)

  3. Goodness, this couldn't have been more timely for the season I'm in. I NEEDED this. thank you so much, girl.

  4. Loved this! This really spoke to my heart as I just got done writing about being in a season of waiting. Even when I am waiting on God to move I still find myself picking things up and trying to build them myself. I have to keep surrendering them to Him.
    Thank you for sharing this. So encouraging.

  5. i am so right there with you! so many of my prayers lately have been about asking God to give me clear word on the will He has for my life. i'm too, in a season of waiting...which if we can be honest sometimes isn't the most fun season. thank you so much for this verse, it really spoke to me!

  6. I love this, Jen! So often I try to build my own life and future and it never pans out the way I want. Learning to surrender is such a hard process and I appreciate your encouragement to do it even in spite of that!


thanks so much for reading! i love all your comments and emails - they brighten my day! :) i do read each one and respond too!
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